
Title I

Parent’s Handbook

Title I


 A to Z

 Table of Contents


What is Title I?

Who Qualifies?

When Is Title I?


Parent Involvement Policy

Parent/School Compact

Parent Advisory Council

Parent Survey

 What is Title I?

            Title I is a federally funded program designed to provide all students with the opportunity to succeed.  It has served students nationwide for over thirty years and has proved to be the most effective government educational program.  The program serves millions of students in public, private, and parochial schools.

            The federal government provides to states on a yearly basis.  To receive the funds, each state must submit a plan describing:

·        what all children are expected to know

·        the standards of performance that all children are expected to meet

·        ways to measure progress.

The amount of money allocated to each state is based on need and varies from year to year.  The state educational agencies, known as SEAs, distribute the money to their school districts based on the number of low-income families.  The local educational agency (school district), known as LEA identifies eligible schools and provides Title I resources.  Each school must submit a yearly application for funding.  The Title I school works with the LEA to:

·        identify students most in need of educational help (students do not have to be from low-income families to be helped)

·        set goals for improvement

·        develop programs that add to regular classroom instruction

·        try to involve parents in all aspects of the program.

Each school must submit a yearly evaluation of the program and student achievement.  The Title I program is reviewed by the LEA and the SEA to insure there is progress!!

Who Qualifies?

            Children are selected using a composite needs assessment.  Each spring teachers in grades K – 6 fill out a form assigning points to students based on class rank, report card grades, organizational skills,  specific educational deficiencies (skills or concepts lacking or under developed), and state assessments.  Teachers may recommend students for Title.  We have several tests available to determine if a student is in need of a little extra help.  Parents and students may request Title I services.  Students with the greatest need (most points) will be served first.  Other students will be added as time allows.

When is Title I?

            Title runs from 7:45 a.m. to 3:50 during the regular school year, if possible for both the teacher and student.  Serving students before and after school eliminates pulling students out of classes.  We sometimes have summer extensions also.  A questionnaire is used to determine if enough students will be able to participate to make a summer program worthwhile. 


Title I programs generally offer:

·        smaller classes

·        additional training for school staff

·        extra time for instruction

·        a variety of teaching methods and materials

Title I and regular classroom teachers work closely together.  They meet regularly to discuss student progress or lack of and specific skills and concepts the students need to develop.  The classroom teacher reports if or if not Title I progress is reflected in the classroom achievement.  All children mature at different rates and have different learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses.  In the regular classroom the teacher tries to meet all those needs.  It can not be done.  Sometimes the one on one or small group instruction is just what a student needs.  Sometimes having an extra voice, a pair of hands, and a different approach.  The placement decision is made very carefully because the purpose of Title I is to help you child succeed!  At Irene-Wakonda we are fortunate to have a staff that works well together and has only the best interest of each individual member of the team.  You influence your child’s education more than any other teacher.

You were the first and best teacher your child will ever have.  Your involvement will boost your child’s achievement.  By taking an active role in Title I, you’ll show your child:

·        how important he or she is to you

·        how important education is to you

·        that you and the school are a team, working to help children succeed.

You know your child best – so it’s up to you to:

·        share information about your child’s interests, abilities, etc. with teachers.

·        Judge whether Title I is meeting your child’s needs

·        Speak up if you notice any problems.  (But don’t criticize the school, its teachers or principal in front of your child).

Your Title I program needs you to help:

·        determine program goals.

·        Plan and carry out programs

·        Work with your child at home and even in school, as a teacher’s assistant or tutor volunteer.

Title I holds a minimum of two meetings each year.  You are invited to attend the annual fall and spring meeting of the Parent Advisory Council.  It’s the perfect time to:

·        learn more about Title I

·        learn about your rights as a parent

·        meet other parents and teachers

·        begin a process of communication and cooperation between parents and school

·        become a PAC member

·        volunteer

You will find more information about the PAC later in this handbook.  As a parent you will be invited to attend conferences with the Title I teacher when conferences are help for the regular classrooms.  Progress reports will be discussed at each conference.  Feel free to contact the Title I teacher if you have any concerns or questions between reports.  We are required by the federal government to have written Title I policy and that it be reviewed on a yearly basis.


  1. A Parent Advisory Committee with a minimum of four members will be maintained.  Each member’s term will be one year, but member’s may choose to serve longer if approved by the Parent Council (all parents of Title I students).  Two scheduled meetings are held each year (fall and spring).  Pertinent information including budgets and changes in the state or federal guide lines will be dispersed.  Additional meetings may be called as needed.  The PAC hosts two parties a year for the Title I students, designates a parent coordinator for the LEA, plans activities such as the Title I picnic and provides input concerning program and parental goals, needs, and revisions.

  2. Parents will be notified by letter when their child is selected to participate in Title I.

  3. Conferences will be scheduled on the regular assigned school conference day.  Each student’s personal education plan will be reviewed and progress reports will be given to parents at this time.  A final report will be sent home in the student’s report card.  Additional conferences will be arranged at the request of the parent or teacher.

  4. Materials or suggestions will be given to parents to help promote the education of their child at home.


An LEA that receives Title I funds shall develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to, parents of participating children a written parent involvement policy. The policy shall be incorporated into the local educational agency’s plan.

Irene-Wakonda Elementary shall:

1.      Convene an annual meeting to which all parents of participating students will be invited, to inform and explain their school’s participation in the Title I program and their right to be involved. The agenda will include a discussion on planning, review, and program improvement policies.

2.      Parents will be notified through a letter that their child is eligible to participate in the Title I program along with a parent permission/refusal form to be signed by the parents.  A copy of the Title I Parental Involvement Policy will be included in this information. 

3.      Develop a student-parent-teacher compact that outlines how parents, students and teachers share the responsibility for student achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help serve the state’s and federals’ high standards.

4.      Communication will be addressed between parents and teachers on an on-going basis, by:

a.      Conferencing between the teacher and parent at the end of the first and third nine week period to describe and explain the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of assessment used to measure students progress, the proficiency levels students are expected to meet and methods the parent can use to complement the student’s instruction. Materials and recommendations in the use of them will be given to parents that want to work with their child to help improve his/her achievement.

b.      A progress report that will be included in each Title I student’s report card given at the end of each nine-week time period to inform the parents of their child’s growth and present level of achievement.

5.      Ensure that timely and pertinent information relating to school and parent programs and meetings is made available to parents so they can be informed of its availability.

*Date of Adoption: 2007


The Parent Advisory Council is composed of four or more members.  The three officers are president, vice-president, and secretary.  The other members are at large members.  The PAC holds two annual meetings, one in the spring and one in the fall.  Other meetings may be held at the discretion of the president.  The PAC helps with two annual Title I parties.  The PAC is in charge of the Title I picnic held every other year.  The PAC may initiate other projects as a one time or continuing activity.  Many PAC members volunteer to read with students at school, work on committees, help with field trips, or help create bulletin boards, etc…  The majority of PAC members are parents with students in the program, but interested grandparents and community members are also invited to participate.  Parents have helped to rewrite this handbook and to develop the Student/Parent/Teacher/Administrator Compact.  Parental involvement is one of the most important components of the Title I program.  Your involvement is the key to your child’s success.  Please join us at the meeting and share your ideas.  A parent survey is enclosed.  Please take a few minutes and complete the survey.  This will allow us to better serve your needs.




It is the shared responsibility of the student, the parents and the school staff to improve student achievement and meet the State of South Dakota’s high academic standards.

Student Agreement

It is important that I, _________________________, work to the best of my ability.  Therefore, it is my responsibility to:

·        attend school every day prepared and ready to learn.

·        Always try to do my best in my work and my behavior.

·        follow the rules.

·        show respect for myself, my school, and other people.

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I, _________________________________, want my child to do well in school.  Therefore, it is my responsibility to:

·        see that my child attends school every day and is on time.

·        participate in decisions related to my child’s education

·        monitor my child’s completion of homework.

·        monitor my child’s extracurricular activities including television watching.

·        volunteer in my child’s classroom as appropriate.

School Agreement

We believe that all children can learn.  Therefore, it is our responsibility to:     

·        provide high quality curriculum and instruction.

·        provide frequent reports to parents on their child’s progress.

·        provide a supportive and effective learning environment.

·        provide for parent-teacher conferences, during which the compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.

·        provide parents with reasonable access to school staff, opportunities to volunteer, participate in their child’s classroom and observe classroom activities.


Administrator______________________                          Date_______________


1. What day of the week is best for you to attend Title meetings or activities?

                        M, T W, Th, F, S, S

2.  What time is best for you to attend Title meetings or activities?____________

3.  I would attend more meetings and activities if (check all that apply)

                        babysitting provided ____                           food provided____

                        videos were shown____                              students performed____

                        speakers presented____                            workshop held____

4.  I would like to be involved in the Title program by (check all that apply)

                        serving on the PAC___                                supply snack for party____

                        volunteering at school____     (days/times)          

                        serving on committees____                        telephoning____

                        helping with parties____                              newsletter____

                        rewriting bylaws____                                   rewriting handbook____     

                        rewriting school/home compact____         help with AR program____ other____

5.  The best time to reach me is ______________________________________.

6.  The number is________________________.

Other ideas or suggestion are appreciated!!  Please use the bottom of this sheet to write your ideas down.